Original Research

Comparison of the survival on ice of thawed Theileria parva sporozoites of different stocks cryoprotected by glycerol or sucrose

V. Mbao, D. Berkvens, P. Dorny, P. Van Den Bossche, T. Marcotty
Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research | Vol 74, No 1 | a134 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/ojvr.v74i1.134 | © 2007 V. Mbao, D. Berkvens, P. Dorny, P. Van Den Bossche, T. Marcotty | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 13 September 2007 | Published: 13 September 2007

About the author(s)

V. Mbao,
D. Berkvens,
P. Dorny,
P. Van Den Bossche,
T. Marcotty,

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Stabilates of Theileria parva sporozoites are mostly delivered in liquid nitrogen tanks to the East Coast fever immunization points. Using an in vitro titration model, we assessed the loss of infectivity of several stabilates when they are stored in ice baths for up to 24 h. Comparisons, with respect to rates of loss of infectivity, were made between T. parva stocks (Chitongo and Katete), cryoprotectants (sucrose and glycerol) and method of assessment (in vivo and in vitro techniques). Chitongo and Katete stabilates showed similar loss dynamics. The losses were 1-4 % (depending on parasite stock) and 3 % per hour of storage for glycerol and sucrose stabilates respectively, and the loss rates were not significantly different. The results suggest that Chitongo stabilates and sucrose cryoprotected suspensions can be delivered on ice as is done for Katete. A graphical relationship of in vitro effective dose at 50 % infectivity (ED50) and in vivo protection rate was made. The relationship showed a 35 % loss of protection for a relatively low corresponding increase of ED50 from 0.006 to 0.007 tick equivalent.


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