Original Research

A study of the pathology and pathogenesis of the myocardial lesions in gousiekte, a plant-induced cardiotoxicosis of ruminants

L. Prozesky, S.S. Bastianello, N. Fourie, R.A. Schultz
Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research | Vol 72, No 3 | a199 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/ojvr.v72i3.199 | © 2005 L. Prozesky, S.S. Bastianello, N. Fourie, R.A. Schultz | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 15 September 2005 | Published: 15 September 2005

About the author(s)

L. Prozesky,
S.S. Bastianello,
N. Fourie,
R.A. Schultz,

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Myocardial lesions were studied in sheep in which gousiekte was induced by experimental dosage of Pachystigma pygmaeum, Fadogia homblei or Pavetta harborii. The single most consistent diagnostic histological feature in 33 animals was hypertrophy of myocardial fibres in the subendocardial region. Fibrosis in the subendocardial region of the apex or left ventricular wall was often scarce or absent in animals with a short latent period, and was not always prominent even in sheep with an intermediate or long latent period. The presence or absence of fibrosis cannot therefore be used to confirm or exclude gousiekte, particularly in cases with shorter latent periods. Light microscopical and ultrastructural lesions in sheep with gousiekte correspond to a large extent to changes reported in humans with dilated cardiomyopathy of unknown cause. It appears that the myocardial lesions in gousiekte represent a final common pathway of cellular damage rather than a manifestation of a specific type of heart disease. The predilection for hypertrophy of myofibres in the subendocardial region is probably related to diminished perfusion that potentiates the primary myocardial dysfunction.


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